When evaluating a data analytics service provider for your enterprise make sure that your prospective vendor offers the following. If you are not sure, contact us and we'll investigate for you.
- The ability to analyze data fast and easy
- Big Data Analysis
- Business Dashboards
- Data Discovery and Visualization
- Mapping and Mobile Business Intelligence
- Social Media and Survey Analytics
- Time Series Analysis
- R Integration
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News & Ideas
Data Analytics: What to Look for
The Benefits of Using Google Sites for Schools
Parents who live and work in a connected world are asking the same of their children's schools. And, with budgets tight across the nation, schools are being asked to do even more with less. Fortunately, visionary products like Google Sites for schools are giving teachers... Continue Reading»
Smart Marketing: Connecting with Today’s Consumer
You've probably heard or seen "Call Me Maybe" and "Gangnam Style" by now. They're two music videos that became internationally viral in a matter of weeks, showing the world once again just how far-reaching the Internet is. Indeed, the combination of interesting content and social media... Continue Reading»
Google+ Hangout: Transforming Education with Technology
Today I attended a very insightful Google+ Hangout about transforming education with technology.
The focus of the Hangout was to discuss “the opportunities we have to close the opportunity and achievement gaps that exist in education through innovative practices.” More so, I found it to be a very thought-provoking conversation about the use of technology in education, trends in how technology is transforming education...
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What is AdWords for vs SEO?
Today's savvy buyers are increasingly researching both products and services online before they ever make contact with a sales rep. This means it's even more important for your online presence to catch and bring in that critical initial lead. Google AdWords and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are the tools that get visitors... Continue Reading»
Photographing a Luxury Upper East Side Condominium
Alchemy Properties contracted us to photograph this upper east side luxury condominium in NYC, the Isis Condominium. This luxury condo is surrounded by stunning views and terraces. We photographed it in all lights - morning, late afternoon and dusk - to give the potential buyer a better feeling for this extraordinary property. Also see the website we designed and produced for them: www.IsisCondo.com
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5 Ways to Use Google AdWords to Market Your Products & Services
While Google is known for online search, it is also becoming known for transforming the world of advertising. As consumers depend more and more on search to find products and services, businesses are realizing that a sound marketing strategy with a strong... Continue Reading»
Online Marketing & Social Media for Small Business
Small businesses are adopting online marketing with increasing speed in 2012. Social Media through Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and online advertising through Google and Facebook are offering inexpensive options for getting the word out about their products and services. The problem is that most small business owners do not know how to start... Continue Reading»
New Website for Frank Sinatra School of the Arts
You've got to love the arts! Daron Rosenberg Creative LLC was contracted to design and develop this new website for the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in Astoria NY. The design is clean, classy and easy to navigate. It is also built on a robust content management system that is extremely easy to use for continual page updates.
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Condo Marketing: Keys For Success Today
The National Association of Realtors reports that 89% of home shoppers use the internet for research. Many choose properties they want to visit before ever speaking to their broker. This observation is instructive for real estate developers: Developers must have an online marketing strategy in place or risk... Continue Reading»
Clean New Website for an Editor & Chief and Interior Designer
A stunning new website for a stunning interior designer and publishing editor & chief...Jennifer Vreeland. Continue Reading»